Potrzebuje opisu co robiłem w ferie (oczywiscie możecie podać zmyślone) po angielsku.Minimum 15 zdań (albo 14 lecz nie mniej).Licze na was i na serio prosze bo ja mam kompletna pustke w głowie.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Theseholidayswere wonderful.Although itlastedonlytwo weeks,and so itwasverygood.In thefirst week ofholidaysI wasin the mountains.Wetoureda lot.The biggestattractionwasleaving on theskislopes.AlthoughI never oncewent skiing,it's toomuchtonotoverturned.In thesecond week ofschool holidayssittingat home.On the firstdayfor almost awhole daysittingat the computer;).On the seconddayI wentwithfriendson skates.Very goodrideonskatessodonotoverturned.Afterskating, we went tothe cinematocomedy.Comedywas great.A lot ofit waslaughter.Over thenext few dayssitting athome,butoftenwenttofriends.Theseholidayswill neverforget.
In the holidays i went to my aunt,to Wrocław.On the second day of my stay in Wrocław,i went to my friend Jarek.We went out into the yeard to give up the snowballs.Jarek came up,we did a contest,who will hit more times to the target.I agreed.We preparedtwodiscs,inwhichweexcel.I went toask theaunttogiveme moneyto winfor thewinner.We wentto anearbystore to buya chocolate bar.Jarkaasked thedadwasa judgethatcontest.He agreedwithpleasure.Istartedthrowing.Each of ushadtakentwentysnowballs.When thecontestended,the judgepodliczyłall thethrows.It turned outthathe wonJared.Despite thedefeatI had fun.