Egypt is a country of diversity and indescribably amazing contrasts. Red sea will seduce you with Exchange colors undersea world. Colorful world of coral and fish is surprising. In the hinterland and to await the discovery of the mysterious temples of the Egyptian gods and the pyramids of the pharaohs.
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The Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa. Lying along the Indian Ocean, at the equator, Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia (north), Somalia (northeast), Tanzania (south), Uganda plus Lake Victoria (west), and Sudan (northwest). The capital city is Nairobi. Kenya spans an area about 85% the size of France or Texas. The population has grown rapidly in recent decades to nearly 38 million. Kenya has numerous wildlife reserves, containing thousands of animal species.
The country is named after Mount Kenya, a significant landmark and the second among the highest mountain peaks of Africa, and both were originally usually pronounced in English, though the native pronunciation and the one intended by the original transcription Kenia was. During the presidency of Jomo Kenyatta in the 1960s, the current English pronunciation of became widespread because his name retained the native pronunciation. Before 1920, the area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate and so there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.
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Zgłoś nadużycie!
EGIPT Stolica: Kair Inne większe miasta: Alexandria, Aswan, Asyut, Baharia, Baltim, Dabaa, Dakela, El Arish, El Tor, Farafra, Hurghada, Ismailia, Kharga, Kosseir, Luksor, Mersa Matruh, Minya, Nekhel, Port Said, Ras Sedr, Sharm El Sheikh waluta: 1000 EGP = 515.60 PLN 1000 EGP = 184.32 USD 1000 EGP = 127.82 EUR ludność: 76 117 421 Język urzędowy: arabski powierzchnia: 1 001 450,00 km2 położenie i granice: Egipt leży na pograniczu dwóch kontynentów, które oddziela Przesmyk Sueski. Większość terytorium państwa znajduje się w północno-wschodniej części Afryki nad Morzem Śródziemnym i Czerwonym. Należący do Egiptu Półwysep Synaj położony jest w Azji. Długość granic: całkowita 2689 km.W tym: Strefa Gazy 11 km, Izrael 255 km, Libia 1150 km, Sudan 1273 km.Długość wybrzeża: 2450 km.Najwyższy punkt: Góra Katarzyny 2629 m n.p.m. Najniższy punkt: Al-Kattara -133 m p.p.m.
EGYPT Capital: Cairo Other major cities: Alexandria, Aswan, Asyut, Baharia, Baltim, Daba, DAKEL, El Arish, El Tor, Farafra, Hurghada, Ismailia, Kharga, Kosseir, Luxor, Mersa Matruh, Minya, Nekhel, Port Said, Ras Sedr, Sharm El Sheikh currency: 1000 EGP = 515.60 PLN 1000 EGP = U.S. $ 184.32 1000 EGP = 127.82 USD population: 76 117 421 Official language: Arabic Surface: 1 001 450.00 km2 location and boundaries: Egypt lies on the border of two continents, which separates the Isthmus of Suez. Most of the territory is located in north-eastern Africa, the Mediterranean and Red. Belonging to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula is located in Asia. Length of boundaries: total 2689 km.W including: Gaza Strip 11 km, Israel 255 km, Libia 1150 km, Sudan 1273 km.Długość coast: 2450 km.Najwyższy point: Top of Catherine's 2629 m Lowest point: Al-Qattara Depression -133 m p.p.m. Official language: Arabic
The country is named after Mount Kenya, a significant landmark and the second among the highest mountain peaks of Africa, and both were originally usually pronounced in English, though the native pronunciation and the one intended by the original transcription Kenia was. During the presidency of Jomo Kenyatta in the 1960s, the current English pronunciation of became widespread because his name retained the native pronunciation. Before 1920, the area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate and so there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.
Stolica: Kair
Inne większe miasta: Alexandria, Aswan, Asyut, Baharia, Baltim, Dabaa, Dakela, El Arish, El Tor, Farafra, Hurghada, Ismailia, Kharga, Kosseir, Luksor, Mersa Matruh, Minya, Nekhel, Port Said, Ras Sedr, Sharm El Sheikh
1000 EGP = 515.60 PLN
1000 EGP = 184.32 USD
1000 EGP = 127.82 EUR
76 117 421
Język urzędowy: arabski
1 001 450,00 km2
położenie i granice:
Egipt leży na pograniczu dwóch kontynentów, które oddziela Przesmyk Sueski. Większość terytorium państwa znajduje się w północno-wschodniej części Afryki nad Morzem Śródziemnym i Czerwonym. Należący do Egiptu Półwysep Synaj położony jest w Azji.
Długość granic: całkowita 2689 km.W tym: Strefa Gazy 11 km, Izrael 255 km, Libia 1150 km, Sudan 1273 km.Długość wybrzeża: 2450 km.Najwyższy punkt: Góra Katarzyny 2629 m n.p.m.
Najniższy punkt: Al-Kattara -133 m p.p.m.
Capital: Cairo
Other major cities: Alexandria, Aswan, Asyut, Baharia, Baltim, Daba, DAKEL, El Arish, El Tor, Farafra, Hurghada, Ismailia, Kharga, Kosseir, Luxor, Mersa Matruh, Minya, Nekhel, Port Said, Ras Sedr, Sharm El Sheikh
1000 EGP = 515.60 PLN
1000 EGP = U.S. $ 184.32
1000 EGP = 127.82 USD
76 117 421
Official language: Arabic
1 001 450.00 km2
location and boundaries:
Egypt lies on the border of two continents, which separates the Isthmus of Suez. Most of the territory is located in north-eastern Africa, the Mediterranean and Red. Belonging to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula is located in Asia.
Length of boundaries: total 2689 km.W including: Gaza Strip 11 km, Israel 255 km, Libia 1150 km, Sudan 1273 km.Długość coast: 2450 km.Najwyższy point: Top of Catherine's 2629 m
Lowest point: Al-Qattara Depression -133 m p.p.m.
Official language: Arabic