Potrzebuje kogoś kto zna dobrze angielski i mi to rozwiąże plisss na sprawdzianie to mam jutro plisss !! For sentences 1-6, complate the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. You must use betwwen two and four words. Do no change any words given. 1. He says that he saw a ghost duringhis walk in the runis. He says that he saw a ghost while......................................... the runis. 2. What kind of person is your best frient? ................................. friend best ? 3. We heard a scream during our visit to the tower. We...................................... when heard a scream. 4. We finally got to the village in the forgest. In............................................ to the village in the forgest. 5. Werw you busy when i called you? .............................................. anything when i called you. 6. Was your weekend interesting ? ............................................... interesting weekend. Z GÓRY DZIĘKI !!!!!! :)