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Mam na imie Edyta, mam 17 lat, urodzilam sie w szczecinie lecz obecnie mieszkam w Goleniowie w domku jednorodzinnym z mama i starszym ode mnie o rok bratem. Chodze do liceum zaocznego w Goleniowie, moim ulubionym przedmiotem jest j.polski. Wolny czas zazwyczaj spedzam z przyjaciolmi lub przed komputerem. Jedynym sportem jakim lubie jest plywanie. Bardzo lubie zwierzeta, mam dwa psy, dwa kroliki, pająka, węża, skorpiona i zółwia wodnego. Po liceum chce isc na studia weterynaryjne.
. My name is Edith, I am 17 years old, was born in Szczecin, but currently live in Goleniów in a detached house with mom and me older brother by one year. I go to high school in Goleniów default, my favorite subject is j.polski. Usually spend your free time with friends or the computer. The only sport which is like swimming. I like animals, I have two dogs, rabbits two, spider, snake, scorpion and turtle water. After high school he wants to go to veterinary studies.
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My name is Edyta. I'm 17. I was born in Szczecin, but at the moment I live in Golenów/owo in house with my mum and brother. He is 18 years old. I'm going to liceum in Golenow/owo. My favourite subject is Polish. In my free time I usualy meet my friends or behind computer. I like one sport, it's swimming. I very like animals. I have got two dogs, two rabbits, spider, snake, scorpio and tortois. After liceum I want to go to vet academic education.