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DogsLabradorRetriever(also known aslabor simplyLabradorretrieverand)the animalsfamousfor his versatility.These dogsare in factused by peoplein the serviceincludingthe police,rescue,dog therapy, hunting, working withblind people, oras afamily dog.Labcomes fromNewfoundland.Originally, these dogswere used byfishermenon board fishing vesselsflyingtobringobjectsand drawingthe network.Retieverówbreedingbegan inthe first half ofthe nineteenth centuryin Britain.Name of the breedis a blend oftwo words:"Labrador"-the peninsulain Canada andthe English word"retrieve"-bring,receive.
Labrador RetrieverAppearance
Labradorsarelarge dogs,with a massivephysique.Their weightvariesin the range35-38kg fordogs and31-34kg forfemales.Adult specimensreach a height ofabout 57cm.The most strikingfeature ofthe appearance ofthe breedis short anddenseand uniformcoatcolor:black, yelloworchocolate.AlsonoteworthytailsŁabowa: thickand muscular,tapering, covered witha denseandthickhair.
The behavior ofLabrador
Retrieversare extremelydisasterslovers offour-leggedfunaswith peopleandother dogs.Asdogsstrongboth physicallyand mentally,are used bypeople fora variety of tasks, including therescue.Also, do notforget theexcellentsense of smelllabradors, usedfor detectingdrugs.As averyactivedog,labowishould alwaysensurethe right amount oftraffic.
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