October 2018 1 35 Report

Potrzebuję po dwa pytania do każdego akapitu ;) Czyli w sumie 10 pytań. Proste, podstawowe pytania :) Z góry dzięki + dam naj!

Circus Oz started in Australia in 1978. A group of perfoRmers got together and went on tour.They performed in a Palestinian refugee camp, in the Australian desert , and also in the Brazilian rainforest! They are big succes and they tour across Australia and the world every year.

Their shows are very exciting . There are trapeze artists, jugglers,acrobats and a strong woman. They play their own music too. Before each show they all get into their costumes.

There isn't a 'star of the show', just an amazing group of characters.Mason is an acrobat who can climb a vertical pole and stand on lots of rolling drums. Rowan can swing from a trapeze and she is very strong. Hazel can juggle a table with her feet!

In Circus Oz the performers do funny things all the time . Tim is a clown . He's very unusual.At first you think:'Why ar people looking up?' And then you see-Tim is on the ceiling! He talks to the audience below an doesn't get down during the whole show.

At the end of the show nine of teh performers get on the same bike at the same time!. Circuws Oz has excitement , danger and humour. I took my kids, Oliver(15) and Josh(13) , and we really enjoyed it. So what are you waitnig for ? Buy a ticket for the show!

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