Potrzebuję po angielsku opowiadania z mojego życia.Obojętne jakie np. o jakiejś mojej przygodzie albo moim szczęśliwym dniu. Prosze rowniez pod tym zadaniem napisac mi tlumaczenie go na polski. Prosze zeby ono tak zawierało strone w zeszycie .Błagam
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I had a happy day.First , I get up early and my mum gave me a breakfast , really deliciuos and said me that I had not have to claan. Later my mates came to my and gave my presents. I was very surprised when I had realized that I had birtday today. I know , it is silly. We went to amusement park. It was awesome. We were on marry-go round and roller coaster.Next , I had met with my boyfriend Peter and he kissed me. I was given a bunch of flowers by him. I was very lucky these day !