November 2018 1 38 Report

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40 pkt !! daje naj !! Rewrite the sentences so that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first. 0 We treat infections caused by bacteria and viruses differently. Infections caused by bacteria and viruses are treated differently. 1 Bacteria passes on an infection. An infection by bacteria. 2 They use plants to make many medicines. Plants to make many medicines. 3 They make this medicine in China. This medicine in China. 4 They ate a lot of pizzas at the party. A lot of pizzas at the party. 5 A famous doctor wrote this book. This book by a famous doctor. There is ONE word missing in each sentence. Put an arrow ! where the missing word should go and write the missing word on the line. 0 I’m too busy ! come to the party. __to____ 1 It good to eat healthy food _____ and do exercise. 2 He’s not good to play in the _____ school team. 3 They are tired to come out tonight. _______ 4 I think it’s important sleep seven _______ hours every night. 5 This medicine not strong enough ______ to cure the disease. Choose the correct words. Fred Hi Alex, 0 how / what are you? Alex Not so good. Fred 1 Cheer / Look up! Don’t look so sad. What’s the 2 illness / matter? Alex I’m so fed 3 out / up. I’ve got this bad earache. Fred You 4 should / shouldn’t go to the doctor then. Alex Well it’s not 5 that / this bad, really. Fred Yes, it is. See the doctor. Alex Okay. Doctor What 6 can / must I do for you? Alex I’ve had this earache for a week now. Doctor Let me have a look. It’s infected. Let me 7 get / take your temperature. Oh, that’s high. You 8 should / shouldn’t be at home resting and keeping warm. Alex But I’m going on holiday tomorrow. Doctor I’m sorry but you 9 should / shouldn’t fly with this problem. It could make it worse. Alex Oh dear. Doctor Here. You must take these tablets three 10 times / hours a day for a week and put these drops in your ears twice a day. Alex All right. Thank you, doctor.

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