Loveisa feelingdirected ata personconnectedwith the desireof good andhappiness.Love canbe understood as anemotioncaused bya strongsense ofinterpersonalrelationships.The term"love"can refer toa variety offeelings, states, andattitudes.Lovecangive yousatisfaction andfulfillmentby the presence ofanother human being.Variety ofuseandmeanings,combined withthe complexity offeelingsand attitudesthat make up thelovemakes itdifficultto clearlyzdefiniowania.miłośćuczuucieisthatyou feel inyourselfwhich means thatthewkimś............
The love is very complicated.
I love you so much.!
I will never stoplovingmy family
In love,the most importantis to understand
If I can have you only in my dreams, I want sleep forever - Jeśli mogę cię miec tylko w moich snach, chcę spac wiecznie!Nowherenot buyhappiness,love givesthemfree.
Nie wiem czy o to chodziło ale mam nadzieję , że pomoglam ;)
Loveisa feelingdirected ata personconnectedwith the desireof good andhappiness.Love canbe understood as anemotioncaused bya strongsense ofinterpersonalrelationships.The term"love"can refer toa variety offeelings, states, andattitudes.Lovecangive yousatisfaction andfulfillmentby the presence ofanother human being.Variety ofuseandmeanings,combined withthe complexity offeelingsand attitudesthat make up thelovemakes itdifficultto clearlyzdefiniowania.miłośćuczuucieisthatyou feel inyourselfwhich means thatthewkimś............