potrzebuję aby tylko ktoś sprawdził czy nie ma żadnych błędów !!!!
I am young men who fall in love with fashion when he saw how appealin' it is . I want create my own style . I don't belong to group's people who frightened about fashion. Because it scare's them or make them feel insecure they just put it down . I gonna be unique but sometimes fashion can make me really nervous .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am A young mAn who fEll in love with fashion when I saw how appealin' it is . I want TO create my own style . I don't belong to groupS of people who ARE frightened about fashion. Because it scareS them or makeS them feel insecure they just put it down . I'M gonna be unique but sometimes fashion can make me really nervous .
Stylistycznie lepiej byłoby - I'm not one of those, who - zamiast I dont belong ...
Ostatnie zdani też trochę koślawe, może lepiej: I'm going to be unique and feel very special, but sometimes...