Volleyball, Volleyball - team sports, in which (in the traditional, classical variation ie indoor volleyball) involving two six-member teams each: the quarterback, the attacker, two middle and two receiving and libero - staying on the field, however, only six players, libero changes most of the middle, when the team takes lick.
Ice hockeyis a very popularsportsteam gamebelongsto winter sports.Ittakes placeon the ice, of course.Won thegreatest popularityin thenorthern hemisphere.This is due tothe fact thatthere aregreatclimatic conditions.Promotionof hockeyistheInternationalIce Hockey Federation, which brings togethersixty-eightcountries.Theso-calledgreatsevens, theleadingcountriesin the game,includesCanada, Finland,Russia, the UnitedStatesand Sweden.It is surprisingthatthis groupalso includesthe countriesof Central Europe- Slovakiaand the Czech Republic.
Hockey gamelasts an hour,with the exception thatthe time isdivided into threestages of the game, calledtercjami.The ice rink isdivided into three parts, which alsoare calledperiod.Thirdsare separated byblue lines.The red lineis calledneutral.Is a linethat dividesthetwo halves of thefield.
Thisteamgoalkeeperand fiveplayers inthe field,including twoplayersact asdefenders, andthreeforwardsit.These arein turnleft winger, center andright winger.Executiveteamincluding thereserveplayersto 22players.This allows you tomakeregularchangesduring the game.These changeshave become known as"Friday".Playersare equipped witha hockeystick, skatesandpads.They arenecessary becauseotherwise theplayersput theirhealth andthere is a highrisk of injury.Instead ofa ball, as infield hockey, playershave thepuckis made ofveryhardrubber.
Jak grać?
Forzagrywaniadiscplayers canusea stick,skates,hand.But you can notplay thediscby handto partner withthe team.In addition,staffcan not beraisedhigher thanshoulder height.Goalcan be gathered byknockingthe puckinto the goalwith a stick.
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To jest opis siatki
Volleyball, Volleyball - team sports, in which (in the traditional, classical variation ie indoor volleyball) involving two six-member teams each: the quarterback, the attacker, two middle and two receiving and libero - staying on the field, however, only six players, libero changes most of the middle, when the team takes lick.
Ice hockeyis a very popularsportsteam gamebelongsto winter sports.Ittakes placeon the ice, of course.Won thegreatest popularityin thenorthern hemisphere.This is due tothe fact thatthere aregreatclimatic conditions.Promotionof hockeyistheInternationalIce Hockey Federation, which brings togethersixty-eightcountries.Theso-calledgreatsevens, theleadingcountriesin the game,includesCanada, Finland,Russia, the UnitedStatesand Sweden.It is surprisingthatthis groupalso includesthe countriesof Central Europe- Slovakiaand the Czech Republic.
Hockey gamelasts an hour,with the exception thatthe time isdivided into threestages of the game, calledtercjami.The ice rink isdivided into three parts, which alsoare calledperiod.Thirdsare separated byblue lines.The red lineis calledneutral.Is a linethat dividesthetwo halves of thefield.
Thisteamgoalkeeperand fiveplayers inthe field,including twoplayersact asdefenders, andthreeforwardsit.These arein turnleft winger, center andright winger.Executiveteamincluding thereserveplayersto 22players.This allows you tomakeregularchangesduring the game.These changeshave become known as"Friday".Playersare equipped witha hockeystick, skatesandpads.They arenecessary becauseotherwise theplayersput theirhealth andthere is a highrisk of injury.Instead ofa ball, as infield hockey, playershave thepuckis made ofveryhardrubber.
Jak grać?
Forzagrywaniadiscplayers canusea stick,skates,hand.But you can notplay thediscby handto partner withthe team.In addition,staffcan not beraisedhigher thanshoulder height.Goalcan be gathered byknockingthe puckinto the goalwith a stick.
Prosze to jest całe zadanie mam nadzieje na najleprzą odpowiedź.