Przetłumacz zdania:
1.Przeczytałam ten list 10 min.temu.
2.Tydzień temu wygrałam nowy rower.
3.Widziałam Cię wczoraj.
4.Moja babcia dała nam dobre kanapki.
5.Wysłałam e-mail do mojego kuzyna 2 dni temu.
6.Oni pobiegli do szkoły o 6.00 rano.
7.Gill stał się popularnym,ponieważ był dobrym aktorem.
8.Wczoraj złapaliśmy 3 motyle.
9.Wczoraj poszliśmy do parku i widzieliśmy dużo dzieci.
10.Kopernik był mądrym człowiekiem.
11.Kiedy byliśmy we Włoszech mówiliśmy po włosku.
12.Zapłaciłam 40 pounds za tę sukienkę.
Sprzedaliśmy stare płyty i dostaliśmy trochę pieniędzy.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. I read this letter 10 minutes ago.
2. I won a new bike a week ago.
3. I saw you yesterday.
4. My grandma gave us good sandwiches.
5. I sent an e-mail to my cousin 2 days ago.
6. They ran to school at 6 o'clock (6am).
7. Gill became popular because he was a good actor.
8. Yesterday we caught 3 butterflies.
9. Yesterday we went to the park and we saw a lot of children.
10. Kopernik was a wise man.
11. When we were in Italy, we spoke Italian.
12. I paid 40 pounds for this dress.
13. We sold the old discs and we got some money.
1.I read the letter 10 minutes ago.
2.I won a new bike week ago.
3.I saw you yesteday.
4.My grandmother gave us good sandwiches.
5.I sent E-mail for my cousin 2 days ago.
6. They ran to school at 6 o'clock.
7.Gill became popular, because he was a good actor.
8.We caught 3 butterfly yesteday.
9.We went to park and saw many kinds.
10. Kopernik was a wise human.
11.When we was in Italy we spoke Italian.
12.I paid 40 pounds for the dress.
13.We sold old platesand we gave some money.