Postanowiłaś przez miesiąc nie korzystać z Internetu. Opisz sytuację w której brak dostępu do Internetu sprawił ci duży kłopot i wyjaśnij jak rozwiązałaś problem.
I decided to not use the internet for a month. One situation where not having access to the internet caused me a big problem was when I was trying to complete a project for school. I needed to research some information online in order to finish the project, but since I wasn't using the internet, I was unable to access the information I needed.
In order to solve the problem, I had to find an alternative way to get the information I needed. I went to the library and looked for information in a paper encyclopedia. This was not an ideal solution and took longer than expected, but it allowed me to complete my project on time.
I decided to not use the internet for a month. One situation where not having access to the internet caused me a big problem was when I was trying to complete a project for school. I needed to research some information online in order to finish the project, but since I wasn't using the internet, I was unable to access the information I needed.
In order to solve the problem, I had to find an alternative way to get the information I needed. I went to the library and looked for information in a paper encyclopedia. This was not an ideal solution and took longer than expected, but it allowed me to complete my project on time.