Jesteś na obozie językowym. W wiadomości do wspólokatora/wspólokaktorki: * napisz dokąd wyszedłeś/wyszłaś * wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie posprzątałeś/posprzątałaś w łazience, * zaproponuj wspólne wyjście dziś iweczorem .
bardzo prosze o pomoc dziękujęę!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I went to the shop because there aren't any food in our fridge. I didn't clean our bathroom becauce I was in the stadium, I played football and I forgot celaned, I'm sorry. Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? I hope you are agree. See you later.
Hi !
Sorry I didn't tell you but I had go to somewhere very quickly. I went to the shop, because I was baking the cake and I realised that I didn't have enough milk. Sorry for not cleaning bathroom, but I was too busy to did it, because I had too a lot of homework to do. Don't be mad at me please. Maybe we can go to the cinema at the evening ? What do you think about that?