December 2023 1 14 Report
porfa nesecito los verbos doy corona

My day stárts at 7 o'clock. I wake up and stay in bed for another 10 minutes. I try
to think about all the things I have to do during the day. This is the time for
organizing. The morning runs very fast being at school, having all those lessons,
completing different projects. The first time for me to have a little break is lunch
time. We usually go to the park nearby and have a sandwich or two there. By the
time school finishes, I am quite tired and and it is hard to start work at home all
over. You may wonder what that 'work' is... Well, I usually help my parents, let it be
shopping or some other chores around the house. Although Mum and Dad do not
expect me to take a very active part in these things, I do it with pleasure. I owe them
a lot! They always treat me as their friend andl am really thankful for that! Before I
start preparing for the next day, I generally find some time to spend with my friends
and we hang around for a while. It feels good to go skateboard together or just have
a good chat. In the evening I do my homework and we always have a lot to learn as

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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