Por favor, 10 oraciones comparativas y superlativas (las 10 con los dos)
Ejemplo de comparativos en inglés:Aziel is taller than Ariel.Mauricio is small, but Alfredo is smaller.He's bigger than me.Elena is nicer than CissneiElena is hot, but Cissnei is hotter.Williams Molina is ugly, but Mauricio is handsome.Ejemplo de superlativos en inglésWilliams Molina is the ugliest person in earth.Jorge is smart, and John is smarter, but Ronnie is the smartest.Aerith is hot, and Cissnei is hotter, but Tifa is the hottest.Gmail is the best email provider.Francis Coppola is a good director, and George Lucas is better, but Steven Spielberg is the best.Steven Spielberg is the best director in the world.