Popatrz na to co jest złe a co dobre i napisz zdania to jest zadanie dla kl.pierwszej gimnazjum podr.new adwetures strona50 zadanie3 np. 1) english -dobre french-złe carols can speak english but he cant speak french
2)kurczak - dobry ryba - zła Luke(cook)
3)piłka dobra paletka - zła Daisy (play)
4)chleb - dobry ciastka-złe the twins(eat)
5) zeszyt exercise 1 - dobry zeszyt exerase 2 - zły Marta and nacho(do)
1. Luke can cook chicken but he can't cook fish. 2. Daisy can play ball but she can't play palette. 3. The twins can eat bread but they can't eat buiscuits. 4. Martya and Nacho can do exercise 1 but they can't do exercise 2.
2. Daisy can play ball but she can't play palette.
3. The twins can eat bread but they can't eat buiscuits.
4. Martya and Nacho can do exercise 1 but they can't do exercise 2.