Poniżej znajdziesz 25 idiomów angielskich.Zmień w każdej linijce jedną literę tak, aby otrzymać poprawne wyrażenie,
np. who let the cat out of the fag - bag
1. a bat among the pigeons
2. a big fish in a small pony
3. a fly on the ball
4. laker’s dozen
5. a little bird sold me
6. a picture is worth a 1000 worms
7. a rising tide lifts all coats
8. a shot in the park
9. a smoking nun
10. a stitch in lime
11. act your ape
12. against the brain
13. an arm and a keg
14. ape before beauty
15. at the drop of a cat
16. blood sweat and pears
17. blood from a stove
18. blind as a cat
19. bite the mullet
20. big dish in a small pond
21. basket łase
22. like two pens in a pod
24. parking up the wrong tree
25. Pandora’s fox
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. a Cat among the pigeons
2. a big fish in a small ponD
3. a fly on the Wall
4. Baker’s dozen
5. a little bird Told me
6. a picture is worth a 1000 worDs
7. a rising tide lifts all Boats
8. a shot in the Dark
9. a smoking Gun
10. a stitch in Time
11. act your aGe
12. against the Train
13. an arm and a Leg
14. aGe before beauty
15. at the drop of a cat
16. blood sweat and Tears
17. blood from a stoNe
18. blind as a Bat
19. bite the Bullet
20. big Fish in a small pond
21. basket Case
22. like two peAs in a pod
24. Barking up the wrong tree
25. Pandora’s Box