Pomoooocy . ! Przetłumaczcie mi tekst na angielski . Do godziny 18 : D
Nawiązując do twojego ostatniego e-maila napisałaś , że chciałabyś dowiedzieć się kilku wiadomości na temat mojej szkoły. Dlatego ten list postanowiłam właśnie na to przeznaczyć. Przeważnie mamy od 5 do 7 lekcji, trwają one równo 45 minut. Zazwyczaj zaczynamy naukę o godzinie 8 i kończymy około godziny 14 po południu. Podczas przerw uczniowie przygotowują do kolejnych lekcji, jedzą drugie śniadanie lub spędzają czas na świeżym powietrzu. Nauczyciele są mili i uważam że bardzo dobrze uczą. Uczniowie nie noszą mundurków. W mojej szkole każdy jest dla siebie przyjazny. Szkoła nie jest bardzo wymagająca i nie ma wielu zasad. Przepisami do których każdy uczeń musi się stosować jest zmiana obuwia i zakaz używania brzydkich słów na teranie szkoły. Napisz do mnie wkrótce, czekam na twoje wiadomości.
18 pkt czeka . : D HELP .
Referring to your last email you wrote that you would like to learn some news about my school. Therefore, this letter just decided to do it. Usually we have between 5 and 7 lesson, it lasts even 45 minutes. Usually we start school at 8 and finish at approximately 14 pm. During breaks students prepare for the next lesson, eat lunch or spend time outdoors. The teachers are nice and I think that they learn very well. Learn
0 votes Thanks 0
Going back to your last email you wrote that you would like to learn some news about my school. Therefore, this letter just decided to do it. Normally we have from 5 to 7 lessons, they last even 45 minutes. Usually we start school at 8 and finish at approximately 14 pm. During breaks students prepare for the next lesson, eat lunch or spend time outdoors. The teachers are nice and I think that they learn very well. Students do not wear uniforms. In my school everyone is for himself benevolent. The school is not very demanding and does not have many rights. Principles to which every student must apply to change shoes and non-use of bad words in the school. Write me soon, wait for your messages.
0 votes Thanks 0
Referring to your last email you wrote that you would like to learn some news about my school. Therefore, this letter just decided to do it. Mostly we have from 5 to 7 lessons, they last even 45 minutes. Usually we start learning at 8 and finish at approximately 14 pm. During breaks students prepare for the next lesson, eat lunch or spend their time outdoors. The teachers are nice and I think that they learn very well. Students do not wear uniforms. In my school everyone is for himself friendly. The school is not very demanding and there are not many rules. Regulations, to which each student must apply to change shoes and non-use bad words on the free land school. Write me soon, I look forward to your messages.
Normally we have from 5 to 7 lessons, they last even 45 minutes.
Usually we start school at 8 and finish at approximately 14 pm. During breaks students prepare for the next lesson, eat lunch or spend time outdoors.
The teachers are nice and I think that they learn very well. Students do not wear uniforms. In my school everyone is for himself benevolent.
The school is not very demanding and does not have many rights. Principles to which every student must apply to change shoes and non-use of bad words in the school. Write me soon, wait for your messages.
Mostly we have from 5 to 7 lessons, they last even 45 minutes.
Usually we start learning at 8 and finish at approximately 14 pm. During breaks students prepare for the next lesson, eat lunch or spend their time
The teachers are nice and I think that they learn very well. Students do not wear uniforms. In my school everyone is for himself friendly.
The school is not very demanding and there are not many rules. Regulations, to which each student must apply to change shoes and non-use bad words on the free land school. Write me soon, I look forward to your messages.