Pomocy to na jutro niedaje rady daje duzo punktow nie kopiowac i pidac glupstw bo to na ocene.To na j angielski czyli po ANGIELSKU
Wyobraz sobie ze stworzyles park miniatur zwiozanych z Polska.jAKIE ATRAKCJE MOZNA W NIM PODZIWIAC?przedstaw park reszcie klasy.
np.Our park is in ......It has .......There are also.......DAJE NAJ
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Our Miniature Park is called "Our&Polish" and it's located in Lublin. There are many interesting attractions not only for a young people. It has many reconstructions ofthe great buildings like Wawel, PalaceOf Science And Culture or Castlelike in Malbork. You can find there some old houses and get know how did the people live hundreds of yearsago. There are also a green park and a large zoo with a beautifull animals.