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-kto i o ktorej godzinie przyjedzie po nich na lotnisko
-gdzie zostana zakwaterowani
-podaj plan dnia na wtorek
-podaj plan dnia ostatniego
-kto odwiezie ich na lotnisko
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi !
How are you ? Tomorrow to see. I'm very happy . My mother and I come after you at the aiport by 8pm. You live in a hotel. Tuesdayawaits usmany attractions. We go to the cinema .
Later we'll be going to the swimming pool . I know .. you love swimming ! :)
You will knowmy family .eatdinner together .
the last day ofyour staywe will goto the theater and laterto the party . get drunkandgo to sleep:D will driveyouto the airportmy friend