HiBen.First, you mustbehaveculturally.You shouldrecorditin peace, whichprovideteacher.Powinnieneśasoftenreported, and alwayshaverecuperatedhomework.You shouldreact towysztkiezłebehavior.Anyvulgarbehavior shouldbe immediately reported tothe teacher.The lessonyou shouldtotallyplayanything,ordo thingsnot relatedstrictlyto the topic.Minimallydistinct is theretentionrulestocheck.You should notdownload,or allowfor the downloading.Althoughcontrol ofsuch thingsis a taskfor teachers,butan exemplarystudent mustbe able tofight thosesameoffenses.When thetestisnapisnyby youeject andthe book andcheckthe quality of theirresponses, because itmay lead to thenoticeof somewords,grammaticalrules, concepts andso on,by a colleagueorfriendfrom the bench, and thismeans thatitwill not showthis,I reallyknow andit will beunfair tootherswho have been writinga fairtest.Ifyou seea fight,thepeople whotalkabout whowill befought, and when,orother sourceof violencealso have toreport itto the personworkingat the school.In the case ofanyaccidentzuważeniayouhelp a personto whomit happened, even if itis ourenemy.
HiBen.First, you mustbehaveculturally.You shouldrecorditin peace, whichprovideteacher.Powinnieneśasoftenreported, and alwayshaverecuperatedhomework.You shouldreact towysztkiezłebehavior.Anyvulgarbehavior shouldbe immediately reported tothe teacher.The lessonyou shouldtotallyplayanything,ordo thingsnot relatedstrictlyto the topic. Minimallydistinct is theretentionrulestocheck.You should notdownload,or allowfor the downloading.Althoughcontrol ofsuch thingsis a taskfor teachers,butan exemplarystudent mustbe able tofight thosesameoffenses.When thetestisnapisnyby youeject andthe book andcheckthe quality of theirresponses, because itmay lead to thenoticeof somewords,grammaticalrules, concepts andso on,by a colleagueorfriendfrom the bench, and thismeans thatitwill not showthis,I reallyknow andit will beunfair tootherswho have been writinga fairtest. Ifyou seea fight,thepeople whotalkabout whowill befought, and when,orother sourceof violencealso have toreport itto the personworkingat the school.In the case ofanyaccidentzuważeniayouhelp a personto whomit happened, even if itis ourenemy.