Niedawno przeczytałęś w czasopiśmie dla nastolatków artykuł ,którego autor krytykuje młodzież za brak szacunku dla osób starszych. Napisz list do redakcji pisma.
*opisz swoje odczucia po lekturze artykułu i wyjaśnij, co Cię szczególnie zbulwersowało * przyznaj autorowi artykułu rację w jednej kwestIi i napisz dlaczego zgadzasz się z jego opinią
* podaj przykład starszej osoby która jest dla Ciebie autorytetem i uzasadnij swoją opinię
* wyraź ogólna opinię na temat stosunku młodzieży do osób starszych i zachęć innych czytelników do wzięcia udziału w dyskusji.
Jest to list formalny. Daje naj! ale odbiorę punkt za głupotę! Każdą gwiazdkę w osobnym akapicie ;)) ilość słów od 120-150 słów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday I saw the article. This article is made by your company. I feel awful because this story was about us-youn people. YOu lambased us and this is not nisle. Maybe some people are not nice for older people, but it is not connect with age, but with culture.
My granfather was my idiol, because he was always happy and always helpt people, but now he died. I think that young people are friendly for old people. We like hellping because it is music to ouers ears :).
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my opinion about your article which appeared in fashion for health. In the article titled wish of kindness the writer said that all young people are spoilt and disrespectfull for elders.
I was shocked to read how the writer cals us (younger people). He gives oneself airs and reproaches situations he personally saw where eighteen or twenty years old boy, girl or just teenager ignored some old lady. I think maybe the writer is old, mean person who was treated the way he didn't like.
I agree with the opinion expressed about taking places in buses or speaking useing courses. I agree that is disrespectful but the writer forgets that not all teenagers behave so guiltily. Moreover not all children have parents or carers who are ours guids and authorities. For me my parents are the most valiouable authorities in the world but many of us have drinking parents, drug addicts or they just lost their way. I think that elders should act differently for youngs because they are smarter than us and they should not forget that they were children too.
I would like to find out what other readers think of this problem.
Yours faithfully