POMOCY!!! Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która cię interesuje. Napisz list do agencji, która je zamieściła. -Określ jaki rodzaj domu chcesz kupić i powołaj się na ogłoszenie. -Zapytaj o odległość od środków komunikacji miejskiej i sklepów -Zapytaj o co najmniej 2 interesujące cię elementy wyposażenia domu -Zapytaj o możliwości uprawiania sportów i dostęp do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy
Dear...., I am loking for a house which I saw in your advertisement. As a matter of fact I am looking for a detached house with 4 bedrooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms and a garage for 2 cars. I have got some questions. Are there shops near this house? And what about a communication? How far are there for the nearest bus stop or tram? I am looking for a house which is full fitted. Are there furnitures and a TV? It is very important for me. I do not know the area and I have not no idea about entertainment. Is there a stadium or playing field? I am asking because my son is playing football. I should be grateful if you would let me know as soon as possible. Yours faithfully... xyz
Nie umiem pisac listów formalnych :P ale mam nadzieję, że jakoś pomogłam. pozdrawiam
I am loking for a house which I saw in your advertisement. As a matter of fact I am looking for a detached house with 4 bedrooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms and a garage for 2 cars. I have got some questions.
Are there shops near this house? And what about a communication? How far are there for the nearest bus stop or tram?
I am looking for a house which is full fitted. Are there furnitures and a TV?
It is very important for me. I do not know the area and I have not no idea about entertainment. Is there a stadium or playing field? I am asking because my son is playing football. I should be grateful if you would let me know as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully... xyz
Nie umiem pisac listów formalnych :P ale mam nadzieję, że jakoś pomogłam. pozdrawiam