Pomocy 6-sta klasa podstawówki !!!! Hi! I'm Evie and I'm from Jamaica. The food in Jamaica is always wonderful, but it's even better at the weekend! It's Sunday today , so my family and I are eating a tradicional Jamaican Sunday breakfast. We always have some herring and some dumplings for breakfast on Sunday. Today , we've got hot bananas and sweet potatoes. We've got some delicious bammy, too. Bammy is thin bread. It's great with fish! In the evening, we have Sunday dinner. We eat rice and peas with chicken or roast beef. On special occasions , we eat goat, but we haven't got any goat today. We often have some salad and sweet potatoes with our meal. We always have a special drink with Sunday dinner. We usually have carrot juice, but today we've got some beetroot juice. It's delicious! Zad.1 Przeczytaj tekst i opdowiedz na pytania pełnymi zdaniami a) What do Evie and her family always have for Sunday breakfast? b) What other foods have they got for breakfast today? c)What is bammy ? d)What do Evie and her family often have with their Sunday wvening meal? e)What drink do Evie and her family usually have with their dinner? f)What drink have they got today? Zad.2 Poniższe zdania nie są zgodne. Napisz poprawne zdania a) They've got some chicken for breakfast b) They haven't got any bananas c) They've got some goat for dinner d) They haven't got any beetroot juice.
1. a) Evie and her family always have herring and some dumpling for Sunday breakfast. b) They got for breakfast hot bananas, sweet potatoes and bammy today. c) Bammy is a kind of thin bread. d) They often have a special drink with Sunday meal. e) They usaully have carrot juice. f) Today, they have got beetroot juice.
2. a) They've got some herring for breakfast. b) They have got some bananas. c) They sometimes have got goat for dinner. d) They have got beetroot juice.
a) Evie and her family always have herring and some dumpling for Sunday breakfast.
b) They got for breakfast hot bananas, sweet potatoes and bammy today.
c) Bammy is a kind of thin bread.
d) They often have a special drink with Sunday meal.
e) They usaully have carrot juice.
f) Today, they have got beetroot juice.
a) They've got some herring for breakfast.
b) They have got some bananas.
c) They sometimes have got goat for dinner.
d) They have got beetroot juice.