Pomóżcie potrzebuje przetłumaczyć kilka zdań w czasie past simple: Wczoraj był piątek.Wstałam jak zwykle za kwadrans 7.Zrobiłam poranną toaletę,ubrałam się,zjadłam śniadanie i około 7.30 wyszłam do pracy.Wpracy byłam do 16.00.Po pracy udałam się na zakupy.O 16.30 byłam już w domu,zrobiłam pyszny obiad dla mojej rodzinki.Nastepnie korzystając z okazji że była piękna,słoneczna pogoda postanowiliśmy wybrać się na małą przejażdzkę rowerami do "BAŻANTARNI".Wróciliśmy około 19.30,zmęczeni,ale pełni wrażeń.Następnie zjedliśmy kolację. O 20.40 obejrzałam mój ulubiony serial "M jak MIŁOŚĆ". Potem poszłam do łazienki ,wzięłam prysznic,zmyłam makijaż,ubrałam moje ulubione piżamki i około 23.00 położyłam się spać. JEST TO NA ZALICZENIE "CO ROBIŁAM WCZORAJ" POMÓŻCIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was Friday. I got up as usual, a quarter to 7. I did the morning toilet, dressed, ate breakfast and around 7.30 went to work. In was working to 16.00. After work I went on a shopping spree. About 16.30 I was already at home, I made a delicious dinner for my family. Then use the opportunity that was beautiful, sunny weather we decided to go for a little ride bicycles to "Bażantarnia". We came back around 19:30, tired but full wrażeń.Następnie ate dinner. About 20.40 I watched my favorite TV series "M jak Miłość". Then I went to the bathroom, took a shower, washed makeup, dressed my pajamas around 23.00 and lay down to sleep.
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Yesterday was Friday. I got up at 6:45a.m. I washed up, dressed, had breakfast and around 7:30 a.m i went to work. In work I was to 4 p.m. After work I went to shopping. At 4:30 i was in home, i made delicious dinner for my family.It was a beautiful, sunny weather so we rode on a bicycle to Bażantarnia. We became at 7:30 p.m. tired but full of experiences. Next we ate a dinner. At 8:40 I watched my favourite film M jak miłość. Next I went to bathroom, took a shower, washed makeup , dressed my favourite pyjams adn aroun 11p.m i went to bed.
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Yesterday was friday. I got up to quarter seven.I got dressed,I ate breakfast and I went to work at half past seven. At work I was to 16,00. Next I went shopping. At 16,30 I was at home, I cooked delicious dinner for my family. Later use with opening it was beautiful, sunny weather we decisided choose on a little for drive cycles to " BAŻANTARNIA". we returned at 19,30, we was tired but full of impressions. Next we ate supper. At 20,40 i watched my favourite serial " L as love". Then I went to bathroom, I had a shower, I have washed make-up , I got dressed my favourite pidżam and I went to sleep at 23,00.
Then use the opportunity that was beautiful, sunny weather we decided to go for a little ride bicycles to "Bażantarnia". We came back around 19:30, tired but full wrażeń.Następnie ate dinner. About 20.40 I watched my favorite TV series "M jak Miłość". Then I went to the bathroom, took a shower, washed makeup, dressed my pajamas around 23.00 and lay down to sleep.