Lions are mammals. They hale babies and feed them on milk. Lions but they live on the hot plains of Africa. They can hunt at night. They have four legs. they got whiskers, fur, paws, till. They weigh from 110 to 250 kilos. Lions are very intelligent animals. They don’t like peoples. Lions live in plains in Africa. They live small groups and they eat zebras and other animals. They live about 12 to 14 years.
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Lew Papkin – lew północy Papkin - Lew Północy. Lions are mammals. They hale babies and feed them on milk. Lions but they live on the hot plains of Africa. They can hunt at night. They have four legs. they got whiskers, fur, paws, till. They weigh from 110 to 250 kilos.Lions are very intelligent animals. They don’t like peoples. Lions live in plains in Africa. They live small groups and they eat zebras and other animals. They live about 12 to 14 years.
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Lion is carnivorous mammal. it can be easily identified by the mane. lion can weigh from 150kg to 250 kg. lion is a very large cat, with four strong legs closed claws. lions hair is light brown
lew to mięsożerny ssak. można go bardzo łatwo rozpoznać po grzywie. lew może ważyć od 150kg do 250 kg. lew jest bardzo dużym kotem, ma cztery silne łapy zakończone pazurami. sierść lwów jest jasnobrązowa
Lions are very intelligent animals. They don’t like peoples. Lions live in plains in Africa. They live small groups and they eat zebras and other animals. They live about 12 to 14 years.
lew to mięsożerny ssak. można go bardzo łatwo rozpoznać po grzywie. lew może ważyć od 150kg do 250 kg. lew jest bardzo dużym kotem, ma cztery silne łapy zakończone pazurami. sierść lwów jest jasnobrązowa