Pomóżcie mi sprawdzić tego e-maila i od razu poprawiając błędy. Temat: Piszę do kolegi ze Stanów co zamierzam robić po ukończeniu szkoly,wyjaśnić powód swojej decyzji,co chciałabym osiągnąć za 10 lat oraz zapytać o radę , jaki zawód byłby dla mnie najodpowiedniejszy.
How are you? I hope it's OK. Thank you for your e-mail.It was good to heae from you again. I am very sorry that I haven't written for so long because i was very busy.
I am writting to tell you that after termination of secondary school I'm going to want continue their edocation in college.I'm planning find for oneself also a work in order to have own expensens. I want to be a doctor . After studing I'm going to work in Germany.
In 10 years I'll come back in Polish and bet Family. I'm not sure this decision.
How do you think what will work the best for me?
Best wishes
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How are you? I hope you are OK. Thank you for your e-mail.It was good to hear from you again. I am very sorry that I haven't written for so long because I was very busy.
I am writting to tell you that after graduation of secondary school I'm going to continue my education in college.I'm planning to find also a work in order to have my own money. I want to be a doctor . After studies I'm going to work in Germany.
In 10 years I'll come back to Poland and my falmilly. I'm not sure about this decision.
How do you think, what kind of work would be the best for me?
Best wishes