October 2018 1 17 Report

Pomóżcie mi! Ja chce, abyscie mi pomogli i napisali jak to sie wymawia ! ;)

Helen: Hello.

Doctor: Good morning, Hele. Did you slep well?

Helen: Yes, thanks. My leg hurt a bit, but it's OK now.

Doctor: Yes, I expect it's sore, but it isn't broken. Can you remember your accident?

Helen: Yes. i fell from a tree.

Doctor: OK. Think carefully. Did you bang your head?

Helen: No . . . no, I didn't.

Doctor: Good. When's your birthday?

Helen: It's on the 12th of September.

Doctor: Did you have a party on your last birthday?

Helen:Yes, I di. Seven of my friends were there and we played. . .

Doctor: That's OK, Helen. You're fine. You've got a sore leg, but your head's allo right!

Helen: Did Jenny telephone my parents? Can I finish the Sea Watch trip?

Doctor: Yes, she did - and yes, you can.

Life Enjoy

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