a) Past Simple b) Past Perfect Simple c) Past Continuous d) Past Continuous
1) Oni czekali na pomoc przez 19 godzin, zanim ona (pomoc) wreszcie przybyła. 2) Do 2015r. ona nauczyła się pisać i czytać. 3) Turyści czekali przed hotelem, kiedy bomba wybuchła. 4) Turyści czekali przed hotelem godzinę, kiedy bomba wybuchła.
(w 3) i 4) będzie inny czas)
5) Dobrze się bawiłem na imprezie, podczas gdy moja żona zajmowała się dziećmi w domu. 6) Najpierw ona wzięła prysznic, a potem się ubrała. 7) Maria nie miała ochoty jechać do Włoch, bo była tam już wcześniej. 8) On był zdenerwowany, bo właśnie usłyszał złe wieści.
1. They had been waiting for help for 19 hours before it finally came. 2. She had learnt to read and write by 2015. 3. The tourists were waiting in front of the hotel when the bomb exploded. 4. The tourists had been waiting for an hour in front of the hotel before the bomb exploded. 5. I were having a good time at the party whereas my wife was taking care of our children at home. 6. She took a shower and then she got dressed. 7. Maria didn't want to go to Italy before she had been there before. 8. He was angry because he had heard bad news.
2. She had learnt to read and write by 2015.
3. The tourists were waiting in front of the hotel when the bomb exploded.
4. The tourists had been waiting for an hour in front of the hotel before the bomb exploded.
5. I were having a good time at the party whereas my wife was taking care of our children at home.
6. She took a shower and then she got dressed.
7. Maria didn't want to go to Italy before she had been there before.
8. He was angry because he had heard bad news.