Polska znana jest z tradycyjnej ceramiki dekorowanej za pomocą charakterystycznych niebieskich lub brązowawych ornamentów. Produkowana jest w Bolesławcu od wielu wieków, a ceniona – na całym świecie. Wyroby z Bolesławca łączą tradycyjne kształty i wzory z funkcjonalnością oraz doskonałą jakością.
Bolesławiec to małe miasto położone w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. Ceramika jest tu wyrabiana od średniowiecza; na początku XIX wieku w Bolesławcu działało już 15 zakładów produkujących naczynia z gliny. Wówczas teren ten znajdował się w granicach Nieimec, a Bolesławiec nosił nazwę Bunzlau. Minęły lata, zmieniły się granice, jednak tradycja wyrobu ceramiki trwa do dziś. Zakłady ceramiczne w Bolesławcu są obecnie największym producentem ręcznie formowanej i zdobionej ceramiki, wytwarzanej tradycyjnymi metodami.
Wyroby z Bolesławca są zarazem niezwykle charakterystyczne, łatwo rozpoznawalne, jak i ogromnie różnorodne pod wzgledem kształtów, rozmiarów czy dekoracji. Ponadto zdobione są ręcznie metodą stempelkową, przez co każde naczynie jest niepowtarzalne. Do najczęściej spotykanych ornamentów należą wzory inspirowane pawimi oczkami, a także kropki, kółeczka, małe kwiatki.
Naczynia produkowane są z białej gliny, dekorowane, szkliwione i wypalane w specjalnych piecach. Mimo, iż wyrabia się je według tradycyjnych metod, ręcznie, nadają się do stosowania w zmywarkach, mikrofalówkach i zamrażarkach. Dzięki jednolitej gamie kolorystycznej przedmioty o różnych wzrorach można z powodzeniem zestawiać.
Innym ważnym ośrodkiem produkującym ceramikę w Polsce jest Włocławek. Naczynia z Włocławka zdobione są głównie motywami roślinnymi i kwiatowymi.
proszę o szybkie przetłumaczenie ^^
Poland is known for its traditional pottery decorated with characteristic blue or brownish ornaments. Is produced in Boleslawiec since many centuries, and appreciated - in the world. Products from Boleslawiec combine traditional shapes and patterns of functionality and excellent quality .
Boleslawiec is a small town situated in south-western Poland. Ceramics are manufactured here from the Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century to work in Boleslawiec to 15 plants producing vessels of clay. Then, this area was within Nieimec and Boleslawiec named Bunzlau. Years have passed, changed the boundaries, but pottery tradition continues today. Establishments in Boleslawiec ceramics are now the largest manufacturer of hand-carved and decorated pottery, produced by traditional methods.
Products from Boleslawiec is also very characteristic, easily recognizable and extremely diverse in terms of shapes, sizes and decorations. Furthermore, are decorated with hand-stamping method, by which each dish is unique. The most common ornamental designs are inspired by pawimi eyes and dots, circles, small flowers.
Dishes are made with white clay, decorated, glazed and fired in special kilns. Although the product is manufactured them by traditional methods, hand, suitable for use in dishwashers, microwaves and freezers. Thanks to the color range of different items wzrorach can be successfully compiled.
Another important ceramics-producing center in Poland Wloclawek. Dishes from Wloclawek are mostly decorated with floral and flowers.
Poland is known for its traditional pottery decorated with characteristic blue or brownish ornaments. Is produced in Boleslawiec since many centuries, and appreciated - in the world. Products from Boleslawiec combine traditional shapes and patterns of functionality and excellent quality .
Boleslawiec is a small town situated in south-western Poland. Ceramics are manufactured here from the Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century to work in Boleslawiec to 15 plants producing vessels of clay. Then, this area was within Nieimec and Boleslawiec named Bunzlau. Years have passed, changed the boundaries, but pottery tradition continues today. Establishments in Boleslawiec ceramics are now the largest manufacturer of hand-carved and decorated pottery, produced by traditional methods.
Products from Boleslawiec is also very characteristic, easily recognizable and extremely diverse in terms of shapes, sizes and decorations. Furthermore, are decorated with hand-stamping method, by which each dish is unique. The most common ornamental designs are inspired by pawimi eyes and dots, circles, small flowers.
Dishes are made with white clay, decorated, glazed and fired in special kilns. Although the product is manufactured them by traditional methods, hand, suitable for use in dishwashers, microwaves and freezers. Thanks to the color range of different items wzrorach can be successfully compiled.
Another important ceramics-producing center in Poland Wloclawek. Dishes from Wloclawek are mostly decorated with floral and flowers.
hm... myślę, że jest dobrze. : - ) w razie błędów przepraszam. POWODZENIA. :**
Boleslawiec is a small town situated in south-western Poland. Ceramics are manufactured here from the Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century to work in Boleslawiec to 15 plants producing vessels of clay. Then, this area was within Nieimec and Boleslawiec named Bunzlau. Years have passed, changed the boundaries, but pottery tradition continues today. Establishments in Boleslawiec ceramics are now the largest manufacturer of hand-carved and decorated pottery, produced by traditional methods.
Products from Boleslawiec is also very characteristic, easily recognizable and extremely diverse in terms of shapes, sizes and decorations. Furthermore, are decorated with hand-stamping method, by which each dish is unique. The most common ornamental designs are inspired by pawimi eyes and dots, circles, small flowers.
Dishes are made with white clay, decorated, glazed and fired in special kilns. Although the product is manufactured them by traditional methods, hand, suitable for use in dishwashers, microwaves and freezers. Thanks to the color range of different items wzrorach can be successfully compiled.
Another important ceramics-producing center in Poland Wloclawek. Dishes from Wloclawek are mostly decorated with floral and flowers.
Poland is known for its traditional pottery decorated with characteristic blue or brownish ornaments. Is produced in Boleslawiec since many centuries, and appreciated - in the world. Products from Boleslawiec combine traditional shapes and patterns of functionality and excellent quality
Boleslawiec is a small town situated in south-western Poland. Ceramics are manufactured here from the Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century to work in Boleslawiec to 15 plants producing vessels of clay. Then, this area was within Nieimec and Boleslawiec named Bunzlau. Years have passed, changed the boundaries, but pottery tradition continues today. Establishments in Boleslawiec ceramics are now the largest manufacturer of hand-carved and decorated pottery, produced by traditional methods.
Products from Boleslawiec is also very characteristic, easily recognizable and extremely diverse in terms of shapes, sizes and decorations. Furthermore, are decorated with hand-stamping method, by which each dish is unique. The most common ornamental designs are inspired by pawimi eyes and dots, circles, small flowers.
Dishes are made with white clay, decorated, glazed and fired in special kilns. Although the product is manufactured them by traditional methods, hand, suitable for use in dishwashers, microwaves and freezers. Thanks to the color range of different items wzrorach can be successfully compiled.
Another important ceramics-producing center in Poland Wloclawek. Dishes from Wloclawek are mostly decorated with floral and flowers.
hm... myślę, że jest dobrze. : - ) w razie błędów przepraszam.