Zostałeś(-aś) przyjęty/przyjęta do pracy w firmie, w której bardzo chciałeś(-aś) się zatrudnić. Na swoim blogu: • wyjaśnij, dlaczego wybrałeś(-aś) tę firmę • napisz, jakie kroki podjąłeś/podjęłaś, żeby zrobić dobre wrażenie podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej • opisz, co Cię najbardziej zaskoczyło podczas tej rozmowy • poinformuj, jak zareagowałeś(-aś) na informację, że przyjęto Cię do pracy.
Hello! Today I will tell you about how I got a job in a company for which I really wanted to work. Eco-friendly is the motto of this company, I really wanted to work there, mainly because I used to be an activist and I want our planet to be clean and healthy! I've been preparing all day, I really cared. I wrote a speech on a piece of paper to remember it later and make a good first impression, in the morning I put on an eco-friendly t-shirt, coat and some pants. I was surprised that they welcomed me there nicely, the staff were polite and I got on well with them. After the audition, I gave a speech about how much I care about a healthy and clean Earth. After two days, the phone rang me, it was the manager of this company and said that they welcomed me! I was very happy, I invited my friends and family and we celebrated together. The following Monday I was already at my new job, I hope I will do well. Goodbye my blog :)
Mam nadzieje że pomogłam licze na naj, napisałam tam jako dziewczyna więc jak jesteś chłopakiem to możesz tam zmienić
Hello! Today I will tell you about how I got a job in a company for which I really wanted to work. Eco-friendly is the motto of this company, I really wanted to work there, mainly because I used to be an activist and I want our planet to be clean and healthy! I've been preparing all day, I really cared. I wrote a speech on a piece of paper to remember it later and make a good first impression, in the morning I put on an eco-friendly t-shirt, coat and some pants. I was surprised that they welcomed me there nicely, the staff were polite and I got on well with them. After the audition, I gave a speech about how much I care about a healthy and clean Earth. After two days, the phone rang me, it was the manager of this company and said that they welcomed me! I was very happy, I invited my friends and family and we celebrated together. The following Monday I was already at my new job, I hope I will do well. Goodbye my blog :)
Mam nadzieje że pomogłam licze na naj, napisałam tam jako dziewczyna więc jak jesteś chłopakiem to możesz tam zmienić