Podczas wizyty w restauracji zostałeś niemile potraktowany przez kelnera, a jedzenie ci nie smakowało. Napisz list do właściciela, w którym: 1. Przedstawisz się i opiszesz kiedy sytuacja miała miejsce 2. Opiszesz swoją rozmowę z kelnerem i wyjaśnisz, co ci się nie podobało 3. Poprosisz o zwrot kosztów za obiad i rekompensatę. 4. Poproś o szybką odpowiedź i podaj kontakt
Dear Sir or Madam, I have to tell you about my visit in your restaurant. I was a guest of the Orbis Hotel onThursday, January 26, 2006 I was a quest of the restaurant. Together with my friends, we came there at 7 pm. The cloth on my table was dirty. I asked the waiter to change it, but he said that it was not his duty. I decided to eat crab soup and a duck stuck with apples. Moreover the glasses were not cleaned properly.The potatoes were half raw. I called the waiter and told him about it, but he replied that we are very irritating customers and he didn't want to talk to us. I decided to leave this place. He did not want me to leave without paying a bill! I hope you will pay me back my money and answer this letter. My contact is :709 278 726. With regards John
I have to tell you about my visit in your restaurant. I was a guest of the Orbis Hotel onThursday, January 26, 2006 I was a quest of the restaurant. Together with my friends, we came there at 7 pm. The cloth on my table was dirty. I asked the waiter to change it, but he said that it was not his duty. I decided to eat crab soup and a duck stuck with apples. Moreover the glasses were not cleaned properly.The potatoes were half raw. I called the waiter and told him about it, but he replied that we are very irritating customers and he didn't want to talk to us. I decided to leave this place. He did not want me to leave without paying a bill!
I hope you will pay me back my money and answer this letter. My contact is :709 278 726.
With regards