September 2018 2 30 Report

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ZAD. 1 Complete the sentences with these words : divorce, expect, honesty, identical twins, motto, people carrier, receptionist, social worker, sofa, take-away 1. A _________________ is a good car for a big familybecause there is lots of room. 2. After a _________________a husband and wifearen't married any more. 3.Indian and Chinese ________________ meals are popular because you don't cook them yourself. 4. A ___________________ helpspeople with problems like housing and relationships. 5. _____________________________ are two children from the same parents born at the same time who look exactly the same. 6. A ________________________ is the first person you meet when you go to an office or hotel. 7. Two or three people can sit side by side on a _________. 8. _______________ means always telling the truth. 9. A _______________ is a short sentence saying what you believe in or try to do. 10. When you ______________ something, you think it's likely to happen. ZAD 2. Write a similar description of your family or of an imaginary family. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At their happiest when: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most likely to argue about: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family motto: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ W tym adaniu 2po prostu powiedźcie o co chodzi xd Bo nie mam pojęcia ;D

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