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Indians, the indigenous peoples of North America was once inhabited the vast continent, living in harmony with the American nature. The arrival of settlers from Europe was the beginning of the end of the Indian world, irrevocably destroyed all the traditions and culture of the inhabitants of the earth. Films and books that created the legend of the Wild West, showed only a small part of the historical heritage of the Indians. "Redskins" were not one nation, but is divided into many different groups and tribes with different cultures, customs and language. The first people came to America about 35,000 years ago from Siberia to Alaska across the Bering Strait. Spread in the Americas, adapting to local conditions, developing a variety of cultures and varying in many tribes.
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Indianie, rdzenni mieszkańcy Ameryki Północnej, zamieszkiwali niegdyś cały rozległy kontynent, żyjąc w harmonii z amerykańską przyrodą. Przybycie osadników z Europy było początkiem końca indiańskiego świata, bezpowrotnie zniszczyło całą tradycję i kulturę mieszkańców tej ziemi.
Indians, the indigenous peoples of North America was once inhabited the vast continent, living in harmony with the American nature. The arrival of settlers from Europe was the beginning of the end of the Indian world, irrevocably destroyed all the traditions and culture of the inhabitants of the earth.
Films and books that created the legend of the Wild West, showed only a small part of the historical heritage of the Indians. "Redskins" were not one nation, but is divided into many different groups and tribes with different cultures, customs and language.
The first people came to America about 35,000 years ago from Siberia to Alaska across the Bering Strait. Spread in the Americas, adapting to local conditions, developing a variety of cultures and varying in many tribes.
Indians, the indigenous peoples of North America was once inhabited the vast continent, living in harmony with the American nature. The arrival of settlers from Europe was the beginning of the end of the Indian world, irrevocably destroyed all the traditions and culture of the inhabitants of the earth.