Połączyłam w pary wyrazy i wyrażenia wstawiłam do zdań i nie wiem czy dobrze... Dziękuję za pomoc:)
masks carnival
parades street
music theme
display fireworks
costumes traditional
celebration wedding
park live
Many people wear costumes traditional for some celebrations.
Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a huge celebration with many parades street.
The celebration wedding started as soon as the bride and groom got into the hall.
We watched a fantastic display fireworks on New Year's.
We listened to music theme a the festival.
They wore beautiful masks carnival decorated with feathers and beads.
Every Friday we visit this park live and have fun going on the roller coaster.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Wydaje mi się że będzie park theme. (czyli; park tematyczny), a music live.
Many people wear traditionalcostumes for some celebrations.
Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a huge celebration with many streetparades.
The wedding celebration started as soon as the bride and groom got into the hall.
We watched a fantastic fireworksdisplay on New Year's.
We listened to live music at the festival.
They wore beautiful carnivalmasks decorated with feathers and beads.
Every Friday we visit this themepark and have fun going on the roller coaster.
Dobrze tylko kolejność wyrazow nie taka no i z tym theme park :D