February 2019 0 15 Report
Połącz wyrażenia z ramki A z odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z ramki B.
1. Long John Silver went back to the island
2. Who was the author
3. The police couldn't find the painting
4. Do you know anyone
5. You must take the train
6. She's got relatives
7. During the holidays we are going to a resort
8. I don't like the sandwiches
9. Last week we watched the film
10. Is there a shop
11. It's tommorow's exam
A. who wrote Treasure Island?
B. which leaves at 8.30.
C. which the thieves stole last week.
D. which had won three Oscars last year.
E. where the treasure was.
F. which they sell in the school canteen.
G. where I can buy a phone card?
H. who speaks Spanish?
I. where we can ski.
J. which is going to be the hardest.
K. who live in Russia.
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