Połącz połówki zdań tak, żeby uzyskać poprawne wypowiedzi. Wpisz litery A-E w odpowiednim miejscu przy zdaniu 1-5. 1 I don't like singing, A that's why he goes to the mountains every month. 2 He's keen on climbing, B because I don't like sweets. 3 We can't do yoga in the park today C that's why she doesn't want to talk to me. D 4 I'm not crazy about cakes that's why I never go to a karaoke club. 5 My mum is angry. E because of the rain.
1 I dont like singing, thats why I never go to karaoke club
2 Hes keen on climbing, thats why he goes to the mountains every month
3 We cant do yoga in the park today, because of the rain
4 Im not crazy about cakes, because I dont like sweets
5 My mum is angry, thats why she doesnt want to talk to me