Połącz poniższe wyrazy, tworząc poprawne wyrażenia.
1 bus A flast 2 public B room 3 shopping C pool 4 dining D home 5 fitted E stop 6 holiday F centre 7 block of G carpet 8 swimming H transport
1. E. bus stop 2. H public transport 3. F. shopping centre 4. B. dinning room 5. G fitted carpet 6. D holiday home 7. A block of flats 8. C swimming pool
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Bus stop Public transport Shopping centre Dining room Fitted carpet Holiday home Block of flats Swimming pool
2. H public transport
3. F. shopping centre
4. B. dinning room
5. G fitted carpet
6. D holiday home
7. A block of flats
8. C swimming pool
Public transport
Shopping centre
Dining room
Fitted carpet
Holiday home
Block of flats
Swimming pool