Po maturze postanowiłeś wyjechać na rok do Anglii. Napisz list do kolegi mieszkającego w Londynie.
*Poinformuj go o twojej decyzji i podaj przyczynę
*Opisz negatywną reakcję twoich rodziców i napisz jak ci się udało ich przekonać do tego pomysłu.
*Zapytaj o koszty utrzymania w Londynie oraz sposób dojazdu z lotniska do centrum miasta. 120-150 słów optimum Liczę na porządną pracę jak za tyle pkt . Ps: A spam usuwam i zawsze przyznaję najlepszą w ten sam dzień jeśli to możliwe.
Dear Jane, How are you? I hope you are well. I am sorry I haven't wriitten for so long.Guess what! I am writinig to let you know that I decided leave from England after matura exam.I need some money from maintenance. Are you seeing? I was so sorry to hear that my parents didn't accept my decision and I had to convince they. What do you thing about it? What should I do? One more question : how much the accomodation in London cost? How I arrive from airport to centrum city? Looking forward to hearing from you. Anyway, I have to finish now. Give my regards to your parents. Takie care xyz
Dear xyz, long time without hearing from you? how are you? Are you doing well in London? guess what? i'm going to leave <miejscowosc>, and live in london. What do you think about it? in my opinion is fantastic idea! at last we can met each other. i think i can achive much more in capital of england then here, and of course learn language. it's sad, but my parents weren't so optimistic about that. Do you know that they was trying to discomfit me?, but at last i manage to convince them. I told them that i could earn much more money there. and here is mine qestion for you. How much i need to spend there mothly for living? you know, rent, food, clothes from time to time etc. im looking forward for hearing form you, please repeat as fast as you can! all yours zyx
How are you? I hope you are well. I am sorry I haven't wriitten for so long.Guess what! I am writinig to let you know that I decided leave from England after matura exam.I need some money from maintenance. Are you seeing?
I was so sorry to hear that my parents didn't accept my decision and I had to convince they. What do you thing about it? What should I do? One more question : how much the accomodation in London cost? How I arrive from airport to centrum city? Looking forward to hearing from you. Anyway, I have to finish now. Give my regards to your parents. Takie care
Dear xyz,
long time without hearing from you? how are you? Are you doing well in London?
guess what? i'm going to leave <miejscowosc>, and live in london. What do you think about it? in my opinion is fantastic idea! at last we can met each other. i think i can achive much more in capital of england then here, and of course learn language. it's sad, but my parents weren't so optimistic about that. Do you know that they was trying to discomfit me?, but at last i manage to convince them. I told them that i could earn much more money there. and here is mine qestion for you. How much i need to spend there mothly for living? you know, rent, food, clothes from time to time etc.
im looking forward for hearing form you, please repeat as fast as you can!
all yours zyx