Banks are in every country . Those companies are very helpful . Over 78 percent of people in Poland has a bank account. We can take out a bank loan there . A bank can help you to save your money by time deposit . You can make your own credit card or a payment card . With those cards we don't have to keep all our money in a wallet ,because all of them can be in one card by which we can pay . I guess now you are thinking ,where is the problem of banks ? Everything of them look so perfect . Well ,it isn't . Maybe to have a card is easier and more comfortable but did you know that you can pay by credit or payment card only in developed shops and restaurants . What if you want to buy fruits in a baazar ? Don't be surprised if a shop assistant disagrees.
Banks are in every country . Those companies are very helpful . Over 78 percent of people in Poland has a bank account. We can take out a bank loan there . A bank can help you to save your money by time deposit . You can make your own credit card or a payment card . With those cards we don't have to keep all our money in a wallet ,because all of them can be in one card by which we can pay . I guess now you are thinking ,where is the problem of banks ? Everything of them look so perfect . Well ,it isn't . Maybe to have a card is easier and more comfortable but did you know that you can pay by credit or payment card only in developed shops and restaurants . What if you want to buy fruits in a baazar ? Don't be surprised if a shop assistant disagrees.