Plizz przetłumaczcie mi to wszystko:
Gdzie jecie posiłki?W kuchni lun w naszym pokoju.
Co to jest tamta rzecz?To jest przepis
Czy w lodówce jest jakieś mleko?Nie,nie ma ,ale mamy troche jogurtu.
Co potrzebujemy?
Troche marchewek,musisz je pokroić na kawałki.Weź tamte może.Potem włóż do garnka trochę wołowiny.Nie lubię wołowiny,lubię wieprzowinę.Ok.Musisz iśc do sklepu i kupić ją.Byłem w sklepie wczoraj i kupiłem tuśczyka,ale zapomniałem o wieprzowinie.Czy są jajka.Tak,jest trochę.Ile jajek mamy?Nie wiem.Ok a ile wołowiny jest na półce?Jest miska,około 2 kilo.Ok.We troch sałaty,ziemniaków i pomidorów wymieszaj je i podsmarz na patelni.Potem weź może,widelec i łyżki i zanieź je na stół.
Kto przychodzi na kolację?Ich rodzice.
Proszę was nie korzystac z tłumacza google,daje naj .Sorry za ort.Z góry dziękuję :**
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Where to eat meals? In the kitchen, or in our room.
What is that thing? This is the recipe.
Is the refrigerator is some milk? No, no, but we have some yogurt.
What do we need?
A little bit of carrots, you need to cut them into pieces. Take those can. Then put the pot a little beef. I do not like meat, like pork. Approx. You have to go to the store and buy it. I was in the store yesterday and bought tuna, but I forgot about the pork. Are there eggs? Yes, a little. How many eggs do we have? I do not know. Okay, how much beef is on the shelf? It is a bowl, about 2 pounds. Approx. Take some lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes, stir and fry them in a pan. Then take the knives, forks and spoons and bring them to the table.
Who's coming to dinner? Their parents.
Where to eat meals? In the kitchen, or in our room.
What is that thing? This is the recipe.
Is the refrigerator is some milk? No, no, but we have some yogurt.
What do we need?
A little bit of carrots, you need to cut them into pieces. Take those can. Then put the pot a little beef. I do not like meat, like pork. Approx. You have to go to the store and buy it. I was in the store yesterday and bought tuna, but I forgot about the pork. Are there eggs? Yes, a little. How many eggs do we have? I do not know. Okay, how much beef is on the shelf? It is a bowl, about 2 pounds. Approx. Take some lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes, stir and fry them in a pan. Then take the knives, forks and spoons and bring them to the table.
Who's coming to dinner? Their parents.
Prosze mam nadzieje że pomogłam!!!!!!!