zad 4str 73 : Wyobraź sobie że jesteś Jackie .Opisz swoje plany na dziś
- Buy breat from baker's
- look for some shoes for my baby sister
- take the books back to the library
- get money from the bank
- meet my cousin at the cafe
-see the new Di Caprio film at the cinema
1 . I' m going to buz bread
zad 5 str73
Napisz czego Jackie nie zamierza robic
Try on Jackets
get a DVD from the library
Drive her cousin to the cafe
go to bed early
zad 6 str 73
Uluz pytania z podanych wyrazow
he / take /the bus /
we / see/ the horror movie /
you / tidy / your room /
Pliss ważne
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2.i'm going to look for some shoes for my baby sister
3.i'm going to take the books back to the library
4.i'm going to get money from the bank
5.i'm going to meet my cousin at the cafe
6.i'm going to see the new Di Caprio film at the cinema
1.i'm not going to try on jackets
2.i'm not going to get a DVD from the library
3.i'm not going to drive her cousin to the cafe
4.i'm not going to go to bed early
1.Is he going to take the bus?
2.Are we going to see the horro movie?
3.Are you going to tidy your room ?