1. Always wash your hands.
2. Always wear a mask if you want to go out.
3. Always stay clean.
sorry kalo tak suka
1. Wear a Mask. Although it looks trivial and common, some people still neglect to use masks.
2. wash Your Hands With Soap and Running Water.
3. Keeping Physical Distance.
4. Avoid Crowded Places.
5. Limit Your Mobilization and Interaction.
semoga mambantu. mohon bintang dan jawaban terbaiknya ya
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Always wash your hands.
2. Always wear a mask if you want to go out.
3. Always stay clean.
sorry kalo tak suka
1. Wear a Mask. Although it looks trivial and common, some people still neglect to use masks.
2. wash Your Hands With Soap and Running Water.
3. Keeping Physical Distance.
4. Avoid Crowded Places.
5. Limit Your Mobilization and Interaction.
semoga mambantu. mohon bintang dan jawaban terbaiknya ya