Plis pomocy napisz ciekawa opowieść kryminalna w której zawrzesz czas past Simple,past continous i past Perfect. W tekście muszą znaleźć się słówka:windscreen,theatre, london,stolen,jaguar,driving,rich couple, home,police,burgled
błagam niech mi ktoś pomoze bo totalnie nie wiem jak to napisać
while a man was driving across London he saw a broken windscreen and thought that someone might steal something and man decided to call the police and drew away and near the theatre man saw a rich couple with stolen jaguar car man told that information to police and they burgled them
while a man was driving across London he saw a broken windscreen and thought that someone might steal something and man decided to call the police and drew away and near the theatre man saw a rich couple with stolen jaguar car man told that information to police and they burgled them
może być tak? nie wiem jak po innemu przepraszam