1. my sister wondered why her colleague gave her such an ___________ glare. 2. why are you behaving like a _________ , make yourself at home. 3. the class bully laughed in ________ at my mistake. 4.the branches of this tree are old and ______ . they will fall anytime soon. 5. ajeng kartini was a very ______________ woman. she fought for women rights despite all the opposition. 6. can you __________________ the cookies? we will sprinkle them on the fruit tifle. 7. if i had lot of money, i would live in the most __________ house ever built. 8. if you eat too much candy, your teeth will_______________. 9. if you don't go home on time, your mother will be_________. 10. the news reporter was charge for _______________ of court.
Kelas : IX Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kategori : Conditional Sentences kata kunci : fill in the text
pembahasan: 1. my sister wondered why her colleague gave her such an ICY glare. 2. why are you behaving like a STRANGER, make yourself at home. 3. the class bully laughed in DERISION at my mistake. 4.the branches of this tree are old and GNARLED. they will fall anytime soon. 5. ajeng kartini was a very PERSISTENT woman. she fought for women rights despite all the opposition. 6. can you CRUMBLE the cookies? we will sprinkle them on the fruit tifle. 7. if i had lot of money, i would live in the most MAGNIFICENT house ever built. 8. if you eat too much candy, your teeth will DECAY. 9. if you don't go home on time, your mother will be DISTRESSED. 10. the news reporter was charge for CONTEMPT of court.
Contempt (noun) (law) Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.
Derision (noun) Act of treating with disdain (mengejek, mencemooh).
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Conditional Sentences
kata kunci : fill in the text
1. my sister wondered why her colleague gave her such an ICY glare.
2. why are you behaving like a STRANGER, make yourself at home.
3. the class bully laughed in DERISION at my mistake.
4.the branches of this tree are old and GNARLED. they will fall anytime soon.
5. ajeng kartini was a very PERSISTENT woman. she fought for women rights despite all the opposition.
6. can you CRUMBLE the cookies? we will sprinkle them on the fruit tifle.
7. if i had lot of money, i would live in the most MAGNIFICENT house ever built.
8. if you eat too much candy, your teeth will DECAY.
9. if you don't go home on time, your mother will be DISTRESSED.
10. the news reporter was charge for CONTEMPT of court.
Contempt (noun) (law) Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.
Derision (noun) Act of treating with disdain (mengejek, mencemooh).