Planujesz zapisac sie do londynskiej biblioteki, która specjalizuje sie w wypozyczaniu ksiazek i czasopism naukowych. napisz list, w ktorym poprosisz o udzielenie ci nastepujacych informacji:
czy bibluoteka posiada pozycje w interesujacej cie dziedzinie(podaj te dziedzine) czy i w jaki sposob mozna korzystac z biblioteki mieszkając poza londynem. jakie sa koszty nalezenia do biblioteki i wypozyczania ksiazek. czy i w jaki sposob mozna korzystac z biblioteki za posrednictwem internetu. nie umieszczaj zadnych adresow. podpisz sie jako xyz. dlugosc od 120 do 150 słow.
Dear Mr Kowalska! I'm from London and I am interested in coming to this library. I hope that you will answer me for some of these questions. So the first information that will be needed is the range of books in section of science fiction. I love that kind of books because it is great and if I will be a member of this library I will borrow a lot of books about aliens etc. The second question is about using the library in another places besides London. I am out of the city very often so it will be very helpfull for me. Maybye it is possible to use it by the internet? The third very important thing is prizes in this place. I hope that You will answer me quickly. Your scincerelly, xyz
I'm from London and I am interested in coming to this library. I hope that you will answer me for some of these questions.
So the first information that will be needed is the range of books in section of science fiction. I love that kind of books because it is great and if I will be a member of this library I will borrow a lot of books about aliens etc.
The second question is about using the library in another places besides London. I am out of the city very often so it will be very helpfull for me. Maybye it is possible to use it by the internet?
The third very important thing is prizes in this place.
I hope that You will answer me quickly.
Your scincerelly,