PILNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Właśnie wróciłeś z pobytu w Manchesterze w ramach wymiany międzyszkolnej. Napisz wiadomość e-mail do kolegi z Anglii, w której : - opiszesz dom należący do rodziny, u której mieszkałeś w Anglii - zrelacjonujesz przebieg najciekawszego wieczoru, jaki spędziłeś z angielskimi gospodarzami - przedstawisz plusy i minusy mieszkania u angielskiej rodziny - zaprosisz kolegę do Polski oraz zaproponujesz, w jaki sposób moglibyście spędzić razem czas.
AntypipekDuring his stay in England to live with family Adrew. By dad Tom and mom Jasmie had a daughter Kate and son Michael. They had a beautiful house in every room had flowers on the windowsill. One night the moon was beautiful so we went to the court and Tom lit a fire. He went home after the guitar and we started to sing. It was in this house was very pleasant just one minus the dog and they had once how you woke up it did not have a flat tire at this bed and saw that he's bothering him. How would Kate wanted to come I'd unveiled the its beautiful nooks Polish, We were from to the mall and at the end of the day I went I with her on fountain.