Afrodyta to grecka bogini miłości i piękna (rzymska Wenus). Jej narodziny były niezwykłe, gdyż pewnego dnia po prostu wyłoniła się z piany morskiej, niedaleko Cypru. Powitały ją sympatyczne bóstwa Wdzięki, Uśmiechy i Igraszki, odtąd już zawsze towarzyszyły bogini.
Zanim pojawiła się na Olimpie, boginki odpowiednio przygotowały Afrodytę: ciało natarły wonnymi olejkami, ubrały w delikatną koszulę i tęczowy płaszcz, na głowę włożyły złotą koronę, na szyi zawiesiły szmaragdowy naszyjnik a w uszy wpięły kolczyki z pereł. Bogini wsiadła do wózka zaprzężonego w gołębie i tak pojawiła się na Olimpie, gdzie wzbudziła powszechny podziw. Tylko Hera, małżonka Zeusa i Atena, bogini mądrości poczuły się urażone i zazdrosne.
Afrodyta jednak dzięki specjalnej opasce potrafiła zjednywać sobie serca, więc wszystkich ujęła swoim wdziękiem i została boginią miłości. Sama też się zakochała po uszy w pięknym myśliwym Adonisie. Dla niego rezygnowała ze swego wygodnego życia i dotrzymywała mu kroku na polowaniach. Niestety, pewnego dnia na szczytach Libanu Adonisa poranił dzik, a bogini nie zdążyła mu przyjść z pomocą. Jej ukochany zmarł. Krew Adonisa Afrodyta polała nektarem i krew zamieniła się w kwiat – anemon.
Zrozpaczona bogini poprosiła Zeusa, aby przywrócił Adonisa do życia. Władca Olimpu spełnił jej życzenie i odtąd piękny myśliwy spędzał sześć miesięcy u boku Afrodyty, a pozostałą część roku w Hadesie. Natomiast święto Adoniów trwające osiem dni było w połowie smutne, w połowie – wesołe.
Tymczasem Afrodyta najchętniej przebywała na Cyprze, wyspie, która była świadkiem jej narodzin. Tutaj miała swą świątynię w Pafos. Opowiadano, że została ufundowana przez Pafosa, syna Pigmaliona, króla Cypru.
Otóż Pigmalion zajmował się sztuką rzeźbiarską. Wyrzeźbił niezwykłej urody kobietę, w której się zakochał. Afrodyta ożywiła posąg. Pigmalion nazwał dziewczynę Galateą i uczynił swoją żoną i królową. Z tego związku urodził się syn Pafos. Z wdzięczności dla dobrej bogini zbudował miasto i świątynię na jej cześć.
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty (Roman Venus). Her birth was unusual, because one day, just emerged from the sea foam near Cyprus. Greeted her lovely god grace, smiles, and Playing, and he shall always be accompanied by the goddess. Before appeared on the Olympus, goddess Aphrodite adequately prepared: natarły fragrant body oils, ubrały the delicate rainbow shirt and coat, to have made his head a golden crown on his neck suspended by emerald necklace and earrings from the ears wpięły pearls. Goddess climbed into the truck zaprzężonego in pigeons and so appeared on Olympus, where he attracted universal admiration. Only Hera, wife of Zeus and Athena, goddess of wisdom, felt offended and jealous. Aphrodite, however, thanks to a special wristband able to win the hearts, so she took all his charm and was the goddess of love. She also fell in love to his ears in a beautiful hunter Adonisie. For him opt out of his comfortable life and kept pace with him for half
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Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauties (Roman Venus). For her the birth was unusual, because one day she simply emerged of sea foam, near Cyprus. Nice deities greeted her Charms, Smiles and Funs, from now on have already always kept the goddess company.
Before she appeared to Olympias, nymphs appropriately prepared Aphrodite: body rubbed fragrant oils into their body, they dressed in the delicate shirt and the rainbow coat, each they put a gold crown, they hung the emerald necklace on the neck and they stuck earrings in ears from pearls. The goddess got the cart harnessed into pigeons on still she appeared to Olympias, where aroused the universal admiration. Only a Scag, the Zeusa wife and the Athena, for the goddess conventional wisdoms felt hurt and envious.
However Aphrodite thanks to the special band was able to win to itself hearts, so she took hold of everyone with her charm and she became the goddess of love. Alone she also fell head over heels in love with the beautiful hunter Adonis. For him she gave her comfortable life up and she kept up with him on hunts. Unfortunately, one day on peaks of Lebanon a wild boar wounded the Adonis, and the goddess didn't manage to come to his rescue. For her the beloved died. Aphrodite poured the blood of the Adonis with the nectar and blood turned into the flower – anemone.
The desperate goddess asked Zeusa for him to revive the Adonis. The Olimpu master accomplished wishing her and from now on the beautiful hunter spent six months at the side of Aphrodite, and remaining part of the year in Hadesie. However holiday Adoniów eight lasting days was sad half, half – cheerful.
Meanwhile Aphrodite most willingly travelled on Cyprus, for island which was a witness of her birth. Here she had her temple in Pafos. They were talking, that she had been funded by Pafosa, of son of Pigmalion, of king of Cyprus.
So Pigmalion dealt with the sculpting art. He carved the extraordinary beauty woman with which he fell in love. Aphrodite revived the statue. Pigmalion named the girl Galateą and did with one's wife and the queen. Of this compound a Pafos son was born. From the gratitude to the good goddess he built the city and the temple in her honour.
Before she appeared to Olympias, nymphs appropriately prepared Aphrodite: body rubbed fragrant oils into their body, they dressed in the delicate shirt and the rainbow coat, each they put a gold crown, they hung the emerald necklace on the neck and they stuck earrings in ears from pearls. The goddess got the cart harnessed into pigeons on still she appeared to Olympias, where aroused the universal admiration. Only a Scag, the Zeusa wife and the Athena, for the goddess conventional wisdoms felt hurt and envious.
However Aphrodite thanks to the special band was able to win to itself hearts, so she took hold of everyone with her charm and she became the goddess of love. Alone she also fell head over heels in love with the beautiful hunter Adonis. For him she gave her comfortable life up and she kept up with him on hunts. Unfortunately, one day on peaks of Lebanon a wild boar wounded the Adonis, and the goddess didn't manage to come to his rescue. For her the beloved died. Aphrodite poured the blood of the Adonis with the nectar and blood turned into the flower – anemone.
The desperate goddess asked Zeusa for him to revive the Adonis. The Olimpu master accomplished wishing her and from now on the beautiful hunter spent six months at the side of Aphrodite, and remaining part of the year in Hadesie. However holiday Adoniów eight lasting days was sad half, half – cheerful.
Meanwhile Aphrodite most willingly travelled on Cyprus, for island which was a witness of her birth. Here she had her temple in Pafos. They were talking, that she had been funded by Pafosa, of son of Pigmalion, of king of Cyprus.
So Pigmalion dealt with the sculpting art. He carved the extraordinary beauty woman with which he fell in love. Aphrodite revived the statue. Pigmalion named the girl Galateą and did with one's wife and the queen. Of this compound a Pafos son was born. From the gratitude to the good goddess he built the city and the temple in her honour.