PILNE !! Przetłumacz na j.angielski: 1. Dlaczego wybrałaś zawód nauczycielki ? 2. Co najbardziej podoba Ci sie w tej pracy? 3. Czemu akurat nauczycielka j.niemieckiego ? 4. Jakie studia trzeba skończyć by zostać taką nauczycielka ? 5. Jak pracuje sie z dziecmi ucząc je języków obcych? Czy to trudna praca ? 6. Co fascynuje Cie w języku niemieckim ? 7. Co sądzisz o opinii że j. niemiecki jest sztuczny ? 8. Odwiedziłaś kiedys Niemcy ? 9. Podoba Ci sie ten kraj i ich kultura ? 10. Czy gdybyś miała znów wybierać wybrałabyś także te prace ?
1. Why do you choose a profession a teacher? 2. What most do you like in this job? 3. Why exactly German language teacher? 4. What studies need to be finished by this teacher? 5. How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work? 6. What fascinates you in German? 7. What do you think of the opinion that the German is artificial? 8. Do you visit Garmany? 9. Do you like this country and their culture? 10. Do again if you had to choose also selected this work?
pozdrawiam :)
1 votes Thanks 0
1.Why do you choose a profession a teacher? 2.What most do you like about this job? 3.Why just German language teacher? 4.What you need to finish his studies to become such a teacher? 5.How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work? 6.What fascinates you in German? 7.What do you think of the opinion that the German U is affected? 8visited once Germany? 9.Do you like this country and their culture? 10.Do If you were to choose again the you choose this work?
1 votes Thanks 0
1.Why do you choose a profession a teacher? 2.What most do you like about this job? 3.Why just German language teacher? 4.What you need to finish his studies to become such a teacher? 5.How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work? 6.What fascinates you in German? 7.What do you think of the opinion that the German U is affected? 8visited once Germany? 9.Do you like this country and their culture? 10.Do If you were to choose again the you choose this work?
2. What most do you like in this job?
3. Why exactly German language teacher?
4. What studies need to be finished by this teacher?
5. How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work?
6. What fascinates you in German?
7. What do you think of the opinion that the German is artificial?
8. Do you visit Garmany?
9. Do you like this country and their culture?
10. Do again if you had to choose also selected this work?
pozdrawiam :)
2.What most do you like about this job?
3.Why just German language teacher?
4.What you need to finish his studies to become such a teacher?
5.How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work?
6.What fascinates you in German?
7.What do you think of the opinion that the German U is affected?
8visited once Germany?
9.Do you like this country and their culture?
10.Do If you were to choose again the you choose this work?
2.What most do you like about this job?
3.Why just German language teacher?
4.What you need to finish his studies to become such a teacher?
5.How to work with children teaching them foreign languages? Is it hard work?
6.What fascinates you in German?
7.What do you think of the opinion that the German U is affected?
8visited once Germany?
9.Do you like this country and their culture?
10.Do If you were to choose again the you choose this work?